To Know You

Think about the most complex dish you have ever eaten in a restaurant that you absolutely loved. I recently visited a water-side restaurant called Narcoosee’s, located at the Grand Floridian Resort in Walt Disney World, where I ate a plate of food that I am still thinking about. It had so many layers of flavor! It featured plancha-seared scallops that were served over smooth and creamy Parisian gnocchi, surrounded by bright English peas that burst with flavor when you bit in to them. Scattered around this mound of heaven were bits of Tasso ham that provided salty goodness, and dots of truffled Meyer lemon cream sauce that made me want to lick the plate. I didn’t because that would be rude, but boy was I tempted!! Every bite was a new revelation.

I thought about that dish when I read today’s Scripture. Okay, stay with me for a minute! This Scripture to me reads like a wonderfully layered entree that just keeps getting better with every forkful.

Jesus offered this one last prayer just before he is taken away by the authorities to be arrested, tried, and hung on a cross. What was in his mind in those last hours?

Actually, it was us.

John 17 (Common English Bible)

When Jesus finished saying these things, he looked up to heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, so that the Son can glorify you. You gave him authority over everyone so that he could give eternal life to everyone you gave him. 

So the first layer of this offering is a bold statement about glory. Notice that Jesus looks “up to heaven,” assuring us that he was not downcast at the prospect of losing his life. He acknowledged several things in this first bite: He knew his time had come. He asked God to glorify him so that his sacrifice would bring glory to God. He reminded God that authority was given to him so that we, his followers, could have eternal life. That’s a mouthful right there.

This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent. 

But the meat of this dish is found in this startling layer: Eternal life is defined by knowing God. Savor that for a moment! Does that mean that eternal life begins now, on earth, as we study, pray, worship, and learn who God is? John would certainly say so:

1 John 5 (Common English Bible)

11 And this is the testimony: God gave eternal life to us, and this life is in his Son. 12 The one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn’t have God’s Son does not have life.

Not “will give.” Not “will have.” But eternal life is ours in the present if we believe in the Son. It is incumbent on us to spend these earthly days striving to know God better.

I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. Now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I shared with you before the world was created.

We finish this off with the delightful morsel in verse 5. Here, Jesus confirms his pre-existence with God at the beginning of the world. Here we see the declaration of the Father/Son relationship and confirm that the Word, Jesus, was with God and the Word indeed was God from the very beginning of time. There are so many beautiful layers of theology in this one brief passage!

Take a moment to read through this prayer again and try to digest it. Jesus is eternal life. Jesus is the glorification of the plan of salvation that he and his father had all along. Are you living out your present eternal life in a way that will prepare you for what is to come? Are you sharing this knowledge with others? Do you fully know God?

May we all relish the gift that Jesus gave, and invite others to the table to relish it, too.

Eternal Life by Mary Anne Mong

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